What Are the Pros & Cons of Terracotta Tiles?

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Terracotta tiles have been used in homes around the world for centuries, and they remain a popular choice today. Whether you’re considering adding terracotta tiles to your home’s interior or exterior, it’s important to consider all of the pros and cons before making a decision. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using terracotta tiles, so you can decide if they are the right option for your home. When it comes to deciding on the perfect flooring for your home, terracotta tiles can be a great option. Not only are they beautiful and timeless, they also offer a lot of advantages that other flooring materials don’t. But before you make the decision to go with terracotta tiles, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of this type of flooring. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of having terracotta tiles in your home.

History of Terracotta Tiles

Terracotta tiles have a rich and long history in architecture, from ancient times to the modern day. The use of terracotta tiles dates back thousands of years, first appearing in many of the ancient civilizations in Asia, Europe, and North Africa. These tiles have been used extensively in India and in the state of Kerala for centuries.

Kerala tiles, also known as terracotta tiles, are an integral part of Kerala’s culture. These tiles have been used to adorn the interiors of many buildings such as palaces, temples, and houses. Their unique and beautiful designs are renowned throughout the world. The traditional method of producing Kerala tiles involves pressing clay into moulds and firing them at a high temperature.

These tiles were also used extensively in Italy during the Renaissance period and later adopted by other countries in Europe. In modern times, terracotta tiles are still popular due to their aesthetic appeal and durability. They are often used to give buildings a more traditional look and feel. tiles can also be used as decorative accents in interior designs, tiles with intricate patterns and bright colours make great centrepieces in a room, drawing attention to specific areas. Kerala tiles also come in various sizes and shapes which makes them easy to customize according to the size of your space. Furthermore, these tiles are quite cost-effective when compared to other tile materials. They require very little maintenance and will last for several decades without showing any signs of wear or damage. Additionally, these tiles offer excellent thermal insulation which is especially beneficial during summer months. Furthermore, they provide excellent sound insulation which is perfect for those looking for peace and quiet inside their homes. All these features make Kerala tiles one of the most sought-after materials for both residential and commercial spaces alike. They come in different shades and finishes, allowing homeowners to create unique looks that blend well with existing décor. As they are handmade, each tile has its own characteristics and imperfections, lending them a certain charm that you won’t find in any other type of tile material. These tiles are so durable that some people even build entire structures out of them! Furthermore, tiles can withstand extreme weather conditions,

making them ideal for outdoor uses. Lastly, Kerala tiles have a timeless look that never goes out of style – making it possible to create interesting patterns and designs that stand the test of time.

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Pros of Terracotta Tiles

Terracotta tiles are a great choice for homeowners looking for a decorative, long-lasting flooring option. Terracotta is a classic material that has been used in construction for centuries and can add a unique look to any home. The unique colour and texture of terracotta tiles make it the perfect choice for creating stunning interiors.

These tiles are durable and easy to maintain. As terracotta is an extremely hard material, it is resistant to wear and tear and can last for decades. Terracotta also has excellent fire resistance properties, making it an ideal choice for kitchens and other areas where heat is an issue. In addition, terracotta tiles are low-maintenance; they don’t require much more than sweeping and occasional mopping.

Kerala tiles are a popular type of terracotta tile that has been used for centuries in Indian homes. They are typically made from red clay and glazed with decorative colours and patterns, which can add a beautiful touch to any home. Kerala tiles also come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and colours, so you can easily find something that fits your design aesthetic. Additionally, our tiles are known to be resistant to water and humidity, making them a great choice for bathrooms and wet areas. Kerala tiles are also slip-resistant, making them an excellent choice for high-traffic areas like kitchens and hallways. Their longevity makes Kerala tiles an affordable investment as well since they will last for many years with minimal maintenance. The vibrant colours available in Kerala tiles also allow you to add a unique and attractive accent to your décor. Furthermore, Kerala tiles are environmentally friendly as they are made from natural materials that are non-toxic and biodegradable. Finally, Kerala tiles come at a relatively affordable price point when compared to other types of tiles on the market. All of these factors make tiles an attractive option for those looking to decorate their home with a timeless yet modern look.

Cons of Terracotta Tiles

Terracotta tiles are beautiful, but they do come with some drawbacks. One of the biggest cons is that they can be easily damaged if exposed to moisture or extreme temperatures. Over time, they can become cracked and worn, which can make them difficult to maintain and keep clean. Additionally, terracotta is typically more expensive than other types of flooring materials.

In some cases, terracotta tiles can also be difficult to install, particularly if you’re working with a large space. Kerala tiles, in particular, tend to be quite challenging to work with, since their thin and fragile nature means that they must be handled carefully during installation. This can increase labour costs and make it more difficult to complete the project in a timely manner. If you choose Kerala tiles, it’s important to have an experienced contractor who knows how to handle these delicate pieces correctly. In addition, Kerala tiles may require special cleaning solutions due to their porous surface and special sealing products may need to be applied periodically to protect them from staining. If not properly sealed, Kerala tiles can absorb spills quickly, making them more difficult to clean than other types of terracotta tiles. It’s also important to note that terracotta tiles require frequent maintenance to keep them looking good as new. Finally, although these tiles may provide an interesting look for your home, bear in mind that many potential buyers may not find the unique appearance attractive, so your home may take longer to sell.


Terracotta tiles have been used for centuries to provide a decorative and sturdy surface for floors and walls. They are an ideal choice for both indoors and outdoors, as they are extremely durable and come in many beautiful colours. However, it is important to consider the pros and cons of terracotta tiles before making a final decision. The pros include durability, beautiful colours, and easy maintenance, while the cons include its fragility, tendency to chip or crack, and relatively high price point. It is recommended that those who are considering terracotta tiles choose high-quality options such as Kerala tiles, to ensure the best possible results. With proper installation and care, terracotta can be a great addition to any home or business.